CoolSculpting in Los Angeles
You’re not fat, but those jiggly areas and fat bulges are driving you to distraction. What if something as simple as a half-hour in-office CoolSculpting® in Los Angeles procedure could begin the solution to the problem? With over 13,000,000 non-surgical body sculpting treatments thus far, it’s clear this works!
Our practice offers the new CoolSculpting Elite system – increased applicator coverage, increased fat reduction percentage, and increased comfort.
Non-Surgical Fat Reduction – No Liposuction
CoolSculpting® by Zeltiq was invented for the very purpose of getting rid of resistant and bothersome fat pockets completely non-surgically. Certain fat-prone areas of the body are more resistant to diet and exercise – like those muffin tops, the little fat pads around your bra, “love handles,” and belly fat.

When your best efforts have failed, CoolSculpting offers a uniquely effective fat reduction method that’s done in our Los Angeles office, simply and quickly.
We’re a Crystal Level CoolSculpting practice. We have the new Cool Advantage applicators, which means your treatment time per area is about half an hour. Dual CoolSculpting Available – two machines for treating two areas at the same time.
Areas Treatable by CoolSculpting

Our Los Angles practice uses all six applicator types, and we have two units for DUAL CoolSculpting to treat two areas at the same time.
- Love handles
- Muffin tops
- Bra fat
- Inner and outer thighs
- Banana roll (underneath buttocks)
- Saddlebags
- Belly fat
- Upper arms
- Chin CoolSculpting for Double Chin

Before and After CoolSculpting
Cryolipolysis – Fat’s New Enemy
Fat breaks up when it’s cold enough. Want to get rid of fat without surgery? Then freeze it!
Zeltiq’s CoolSculpting is based on cryolipolysis. What’s cryolipolysis? Simply put – fat freezing. Read the Science.
See more results
What Should I Expect at my CoolSculpting Consultation?
We certainly think so! Careful placement of CoolSculpting applicators is critical to getting the best results in Los Ahgeles. Candidates must clear a set safety profile so that they won’t run into problems because no one thought to ask about previous surgery or medical conditions. Our patients have the advantage of assessments and treatment from top level medically-trained staff. Your assessments and treatment plan are with one of our three dermatologists or our specially trained dermatology RN, who also happens to be a Nurse Practioner and a CoolSculpting University graduate.
How Does CoolSculpting’s Fat Freezing Work?
A vacuum-assisted handpiece draws in the fat area between two cooling plates. These cooling plates lower the temperature of the fat cells to crystallization levels – the crystallization destroys the fat cells, which are then swept out of the body naturally.
Results? Trimmer waist, tummy, back, or other treated area. Fat “freezes” at a higher temperature than skin tissue, so your skin is never subjected to temperatures that could be harmful. CoolSculpting technology in Los Angeles maintains treatment temperature at a level that is effective and safe. (Issues with muscle definition? See how CoolTone works to stimulate muscle contraction for a tighter stomach, thighs, and buttocks.)
Scientific Explanation
“The process takes advantage of the fact that adipocytes respond differently to cooling than cells that do not contain significant amounts of fat. The process involves cooling adipocytes to near freezing (~12˚C), which causes the crystallization of lipids but has little effect on non-lipid-containing cells. Lipid crystallization triggers apoptosis and membrane rupture in adipocytes, releasing the lipids. Lipids are removed gradually through the lymphatic system, reducing tissue volume.”
How Fast Does CoolSculpting Work?
The effects are not instant, but occur over two to three months, much like what you would experience if you were dieting and exercising and getting results precisely where you wanted them. Some patients see improvement within the first month, but you should anticipate several months for the final results. Repeat treatments may be performed for increased fat reduction.
Are My CoolSculpting Results Permanent?
Yes, your treated fat cells are actually destroyed and will not return. Everyone is born with a certain amount of fat cells. Los Angeles CoolSculpting actually permanently destroys about *20% to 25% of fat cells in the treated area.
If, however, you gain weight again, the remaining fat cells in the treated area will likely expand, but they won’t have some of their “brothers and sisters” to expand along with them as in the past.
A Typical CoolSculpting Treatment
The CoolSculpting process in Los Angeles is simple and straightforward. You will be weighed, measured, and marked, photos will be taken, and your skin will be prepped to remove any body oils or lotions. A gel sheet will be placed on the treatment area to protect the skin further, and then the treatment applicator cup will be placed firmly over the area.
You will feel a strong “pulling” sensation once the system is turned on and the vacuum secures the fat tissue within the cup. As the cold level increases, you may feel some temporary discomfort which subsides in about 5 minutes.
How Long Does a CoolSculpting Treatment Take?
Active treatment time per area is about 30 minutes, up to 60 minutes for saddlebags. Once the treatment cup is removed, your skin will be somewhat red, very cold, and feel almost like butter. The tissues relax quickly, and the redness subsides within an hour or so.
What are the Side Effects of CoolSculpting?
Some patients report some temporary numbness and/or tingling in the treated area. This will subside within a few days to possibly a couple of weeks and is normal. Additionally, you may also see some slight swelling, bruising, or redness.
CoolSculpting® Important Safety Information
For complete information on technology, safety and side effects visit
Good Candidates for CoolSculpting
- Localized fatty deposits in regions appropriate for body contouring (eg, anterior abdominal region, trunk, arms, legs)
- Skin with good elasticity and tone
- Good overall health
- Realistic expectations
Who is Not a Candidate for CoolSculpting?
Not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure in Los Angeles. CoolSculpting is not liposuction, nor is it a weight reduction or weight management process.
- Morbidly obese patients
- Patients without localized fat deposition
- Patients with poor skin elasticity or tone
- Patients with excessive scarring or skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis in the area of intended treatment
- Patients with unrealistic expectations
Contact Us Today to Discuss CoolSculpting in Los Angeles
Find out if CoolSculpting in Los Angeles is right for you during a free consultation. Contact Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD, today.