“I’m considering cosmetic surgery but I’m not there yet. Do you have any suggestions for me while I decide?”
Cosmetic surgery. Has it crossed your mind?
Most of us at one time or another think about cosmetic surgery and assume it’s something we need now or will need in the future.
I’m going to let you in on something interesting…
Your eye interprets youth without even knowing how it’s happening. It’s not lines and wrinkles or the lack of those age reminders you’re tuning into when you perceive someone’s age. The real way the eye perceives age is by the interpretation of light and shadow
While convex areas on a youthful face reflect light, concave areas create a shadow. So if we address what I call ” the three arcs of light” with dermal fillers, the results are incredibly subtle yet powerful. No one can quite figure out why you look so great. And isn’t that what we’re all after?
These arcs that I’m referring to are
As we age we lose volume in these areas and the brow and cheeks become flatter while the jawline starts to become less defined.
Other areas that become less convex with age are just in front of the ears, the chin, above the upper lip as well as the nose (which becomes less confluent). Bringing back fullness and definition with fillers (where you likely didn’t even know you’d lost it) is what creates the look of youth. Fillers can even allow you to “try on” an altered nose or chin shape if you’re considering surgery.
Whichever areas you’d like to address, and depending on the filler or fillers that we decide on, the results can last up to two years. And you may just like the outcome so much you decide to put off cosmetic surgery indefinitely.